My preferred pronoun is “His Highest Majesty/Destroyer of Worlds”…
Author Archives: J-Dub
Here Come the New Taxes!
Hold onto your wallets kids! Here come the new taxes! Incoming Transportation Secretary, Mayor Pete, has endorsed a new system of taxing your vehicle for the number of miles driven. This will, of course, involve installing a federally mandated electronic system in your vehicle to track your mileage. (I’m sure we’ll all be given “assurances” …
Comrade Kamala Harris recently plagiarized an old MLK story. (I guess she’s learning a lot from Sniffin’ Joe, the Plagiarizer in Chief.) We invite Comrade Harris to truly embrace “fweedom” by renouncing her communist predilections, ditching the old, creepy, rapey white guy, and embracing true fweedomness with us here at the Conservancy. It’s not hard …